Paper Bag

Paper Bag

Paper Bag Paper Bag Playwright: Emily Levickas Country of Origin: United States A Spinning Dot Youth Company Production Paper Bag is about the joy of discovery! What is in all these paper bags? In this interactive play for young ones and their families, prepare to be...
Twin Paths

Twin Paths

The Mountain Twin Paths Playwright: Elijah Hatcher-Kay and Leo Nelson & Developed in collaboration with the Spinning Dot Theatre Teen Company Playwright Mentor: Lereko Mfono Country of Origin: United States A Spinning Dot Teen Company Production A Virtual...
Louise/The Bear

Louise/The Bear

Louise/The Bear Louise/The Bear Playwright: Karin Serres Country of Origin: France A Spinning Dot Teen Company Production Our young protagonist makes a discovery. She can see characters that no one else can – beautiful and huge white bears. This play from France...
BugPea Colours the Rainbow

BugPea Colours the Rainbow

BugPea Colours the Rainbow BugPea Colours the Rainbow Playwright: Lereko Mfono Country of Origin: South Africa A Spinning Dot Youth Company Production A young girl heads out on an adventure to save the world by finding all of the colors that have gone missing! This...